Lenka and the Tea Witch
A fairytale of a very bad witch that
wants to kill the sweet and beautiful
Lenka. The witch invites the students
to come to her house in the haunted
forest by her flying broom. Once inside
the witch makes her magical brew on
a fire in a large pot. Lenka loves tea
and the sweet aroma temps Lenka into
drinking it. Once asleep the spell
starts to work and changes Lenka into
a mouse. The witch has a black cat
that will eat the mouse and Lenka will
die. But Lenka the mouse fortunately
meets a good and clever wizard who
gives Lenka the mouse a magical
bean. The bean changes the mouse
back into Lenka and the witch dies.
The show focuses on present simple
and present continuous time, using
verbs and new vocabulary.
Level of English: pre-intermediate
Max. 90 students
Price 6,000 Kč